Best Order Management Software for Retail in 2024

Sophia Lewis

Sophia Lewis

· 5 min read
Best Order Management Software for Retail in 2024

As the retail landscape continues to evolve, efficient order processing, streamlined inventory management, and seamless customer experiences have become paramount. In this post, we'll explore the top order management software solutions that empower retailers to stay ahead of the competition, boost operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. Whether you're a small online store or a rapidly growing retail enterprise, these cutting-edge platforms offer the features, integrations, and functionalities you need to excel in today's fast-paced retail environment. Join us as we dive into the top contenders, comparing their strengths and unique capabilities to help you make the best choice for your business's success.

My list of 6 the Best Order Management Software Companies

  1. Ordoro - An order and inventory management platform with multichannel capabilities.
  2. Skubana - A cloud-based order management software that integrates with multiple sales channels.
  3. Brightpearl - An order and inventory management platform designed for retailers and wholesalers.
  4. TradeGecko - An inventory and order management system suitable for small to medium-sized retail businesses.
  5. Stitch Labs - A comprehensive order and inventory control software for retailers managing multiple sales channels.
  6. ShipStation - While primarily a shipping and fulfillment platform, ShipStation offers order management features.

What is Order Management Software?

Order management software is a system that helps retailers efficiently manage their incoming orders, inventory, shipping, and other essential aspects of order fulfillment. It streamlines operations, reduces errors, and improves customer satisfaction by ensuring timely and accurate deliveries.

Overview of the Best Order Management Software Companies for Retail in 2024


Ordoro is a robust and user-friendly order management system that caters to small and medium-sized retail businesses. It offers a comprehensive set of features, including multi-channel order management, inventory control, shipping label generation, and real-time order tracking. One of the key strengths of Ordoro is its seamless integration with popular e-commerce platforms and marketplaces, making it an excellent choice for retailers selling through multiple channels. Additionally, the software provides advanced reporting and analytics, helping businesses make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations. Best Order Management Software for Retail in 2024

Why Odoro: Ordoro is known for its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with various e-commerce platforms, making it a top choice for small and medium-sized retailers. It offers features like multi-channel order management, inventory control, and shipping label generation. For instance, a small online retailer selling products on Shopify, Amazon, and eBay can easily manage all their orders, inventory levels, and shipping processes in one place through Ordoro.


  • User-friendly interface and easy to navigate.
  • Seamless integration with popular e-commerce platforms and marketplaces.
  • Multi-channel order management and real-time order tracking.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics for data-driven decision-making.
  • Decent inventory control features for small and medium-sized retailers.


  • May lack some advanced features required by larger retailers.
  • Limited scalability for businesses experiencing rapid growth.
  • Customer support may not be as responsive or comprehensive for complex issues.


Skubana is a sophisticated order management and inventory control solution designed for mid-sized and larger retail enterprises. This software excels at automating and streamlining various aspects of the order fulfillment process, such as inventory replenishment, order routing, and vendor management. Skubana's all-in-one platform also includes features for warehouse management, shipping, and analytics, enabling retailers to centralize their operations and achieve greater efficiency. The platform's emphasis on automation and scalability makes it ideal for businesses experiencing rapid growth. Best Order Management Software for Retail in 2024

Why Skubana: Skubana is recognized for its advanced automation capabilities and scalability, making it suitable for medium to large-sized retail enterprises. Its sophisticated features enable businesses to optimize complex order fulfillment processes, manage inventory across multiple warehouses, and streamline vendor management. For example, a mid-sized retailer experiencing rapid growth can utilize Skubana to automate inventory replenishment, allocate orders to the best-performing warehouses, and improve overall operational efficiency.


  • Advanced automation capabilities for complex order fulfillment processes.
  • Scalable solution suitable for medium to large-sized retail enterprises.
  • Efficient inventory management across multiple warehouses.
  • Comprehensive vendor management features.
  • Robust analytics and reporting tools for better insights.


  • Higher pricing compared to other solutions, potentially not suitable for smaller retailers.
  • Implementation and setup might require more time and expertise.
  • Steeper learning curve for users due to the complexity of the platform.


Brightpearl is a comprehensive retail operations platform that incorporates order management, inventory management, accounting, and customer relationship management (CRM) functionalities. It targets both online and brick-and-mortar retailers, providing a holistic solution to manage various aspects of the retail business. Brightpearl's real-time reporting and analytics empower retailers to gain deep insights into their operations and make well-informed decisions. With its cloud-based architecture, Brightpearl offers flexibility and accessibility, making it suitable for growing businesses with omnichannel operations.

Best Order Management Software for Retail in 2024

Why Brightpearl: Brightpearl stands out for its holistic approach, integrating order management, inventory management, accounting, and CRM functionalities into one platform. This comprehensive solution is beneficial for both online and brick-and-mortar retailers, enabling them to manage all aspects of their retail operations efficiently. For instance, a retailer with both physical stores and an e-commerce presence can leverage Brightpearl to synchronize inventory levels, manage customer data, and streamline financial operations across all channels.


  • Holistic solution integrating order management, inventory management, accounting, and CRM.
  • Suitable for both online and brick-and-mortar retailers.
  • Centralized platform for managing multiple channels and operations.
  • Real-time reporting and analytics for data-driven decision-making.
  • Cloud-based architecture provides flexibility and accessibility.


  • May be costly for smaller retailers with limited operations.
  • Complex features might require additional training for users.
  • Some users may find the interface overwhelming due to the range of functionalities.


TradeGecko is an order and inventory management platform geared towards wholesalers, distributors, and e-commerce retailers. The software excels in handling complex inventory requirements and helps streamline the entire order-to-shipment process. TradeGecko's inventory tracking features ensure accurate stock levels across various sales channels, minimizing the risk of overselling. Additionally, its sales analytics tools provide valuable insights into product performance and customer behavior, enabling retailers to make data-driven decisions. Best Order Management Software for Retail in 2024

Why TradeGecko: TradeGecko specializes in catering to wholesalers, distributors, and e-commerce retailers with complex inventory requirements. Its robust inventory tracking capabilities help businesses avoid stockouts and overselling, and its analytics tools provide insights into product performance. For example, a wholesale distributor dealing with multiple product variants and customer categories can utilize TradeGecko to manage inventory across various sales channels and make data-driven decisions about their product offerings.


  • Specialized in handling complex inventory requirements for wholesalers and distributors.
  • Inventory tracking to avoid stockouts and overselling.
  • Analytics tools for better insights into product performance.
  • Integrates well with various e-commerce platforms.
  • Suitable for businesses dealing with multiple product variants and customer categories.


  • May lack some advanced order management features required by larger retailers.
  • Limited scalability for rapidly growing businesses.
  • Customer support may be slow in responding to queries or issues.

Stitch Labs

Stitch Labs is a cloud-based order management software that caters to both small and mid-sized retailers. It focuses on simplifying inventory management, order processing, and fulfillment, helping businesses to reduce operational complexities. Stitch Labs integrates with numerous popular e-commerce platforms and marketplaces, allowing seamless synchronization of inventory and orders across multiple channels. The software's intuitive interface and scalability make it a suitable choice for growing retailers seeking to optimize their order fulfillment workflows. Best Order Management Software for Retail in 2024

Why Stitch Labs: Stitch Labs offers cloud-based order management software suitable for small and medium-sized retailers. Its primary focus is on simplifying inventory management, order processing, and fulfillment, making it an excellent option for businesses seeking to streamline their operations. For instance, a growing online retailer managing inventory on multiple platforms like BigCommerce and Walmart can use Stitch Labs to consolidate orders and inventory data, reducing manual work and improving overall efficiency.


  • Cloud-based and easy-to-use order management software.
  • Suitable for small and medium-sized retailers.
  • Simplifies inventory management, order processing, and fulfillment.
  • Integrates with popular e-commerce platforms for streamlined operations.
  • Consolidates orders and inventory data for improved efficiency.


  • May not offer as many advanced features as some other providers on the list.
  • Limited scalability for large enterprises with complex operations.
  • Support for third-party integrations might be limited compared to competitors.


ShipStation is a leading shipping and order management software designed to simplify the shipping process for retailers. While it primarily focuses on shipping and fulfillment, it also offers order management features, making it a valuable tool for retailers with a strong emphasis on fast and efficient delivery. ShipStation integrates with various marketplaces, shopping carts, and carriers, providing a centralized platform for managing shipping labels, tracking orders, and handling returns. This software is particularly useful for retailers with a high volume of orders and a need for streamlined logistics. Best Order Management Software for Retail in 2024

Why ShipStation: ShipStation is renowned for its shipping and order management capabilities, making it a popular choice for retailers looking to optimize their shipping processes. With integrations with various marketplaces and carriers, ShipStation simplifies label generation, order tracking, and returns handling. For example, an e-commerce store with a large volume of orders can benefit from using ShipStation to automate the shipping process and provide customers with real-time tracking information.


  • Leading shipping and order management software.
  • Simplifies shipping processes and label generation.
  • Integrates with various marketplaces and carriers for seamless order tracking.
  • Suitable for retailers with high order volumes.
  • Real-time tracking information for customers.


  • Primarily focuses on shipping, may lack some advanced order management features.
  • May not be as suitable for businesses with complex inventory management needs.
  • Pricing structure may not be ideal for smaller retailers with lower order volumes.

Criteria I used to select each vendor

  1. Features and Functionality: I assessed each vendor's offerings, looking for comprehensive features that cover essential order management aspects such as multi-channel order processing, inventory control, shipping, and analytics. The software needed to be user-friendly and capable of streamlining various processes for retail businesses.
  2. Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with popular e-commerce platforms, marketplaces, and shipping carriers was crucial. Vendors offering easy connectivity with a wide range of systems scored higher as it allows for centralized management of orders and inventory across multiple channels.
  3. Scalability: I considered the software's ability to grow with a retail business. Vendors that catered to both small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as larger retailers, were preferred, ensuring that the software can adapt as the business expands.
  4. Automation and Efficiency: Vendors with advanced automation capabilities, especially in order fulfillment and inventory management, received more attention. Automation helps retailers save time and reduce human errors, improving overall operational efficiency.
  5. Customer Support and Training: I reviewed the level of customer support provided by each vendor, including response times and availability of assistance. Vendors that offered training resources, tutorials, and dedicated support channels were rated higher as they can better help retailers navigate the software effectively.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: The presence of robust reporting and analytics tools was crucial for retailers to make data-driven decisions. Vendors offering detailed insights into sales, inventory, and customer behavior were preferred, as they enable businesses to optimize their operations.
  7. Cost and Value for Money: I considered the pricing models and compared them to the features offered. Vendors with transparent pricing and value-packed plans were favored, ensuring that the chosen software aligns with the budget and provides a strong return on investment.
  8. Reputation and User Reviews: I researched each vendor's reputation within the retail industry and sought user reviews and testimonials. Positive feedback and a strong track record of satisfied customers played a significant role in the selection process.
  9. User Experience: The overall user experience was essential in my evaluation. Intuitive interfaces, ease of navigation, and the ability to accomplish tasks efficiently were key factors to ensure that the software is user-friendly and accessible to all team members.
  10. Security and Data Protection: Lastly, I assessed the security measures implemented by each vendor to safeguard sensitive customer and business data. Vendors with robust security protocols and compliance with industry standards were given higher consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding Selecting the Best Order Management Software for Retail

  1. What features should I look for in order management software?
    • Look for features such as multi-channel order processing, real-time inventory tracking, automated order routing, shipping label generation, analytics and reporting, integration with popular e-commerce platforms, and support for various payment gateways.
  2. How important is integration with my existing systems?
    • Integration is crucial as it allows for seamless data flow between your order management software and other essential systems like your e-commerce platform, accounting software, and shipping carriers. This integration streamlines operations and minimizes manual data entry.
  3. Is scalability a significant consideration for my retail business?
    • Yes, scalability is essential, especially if your retail business is experiencing growth or has plans for expansion. Choose a software solution that can accommodate increased order volumes, additional sales channels, and more extensive inventory management needs.
  4. How do I determine if the software is user-friendly and easy to use?
    • Request demos or free trials to test the software's user interface and navigation. Pay attention to the intuitiveness of the platform, the ease of accessing essential features, and the availability of helpful resources and tutorials.
  5. What level of customer support should I expect from the software provider?
    • Ensure that the software provider offers responsive customer support through multiple channels, such as email, phone, or live chat. Look for companies that provide onboarding assistance, training resources, and ongoing support to address any issues that may arise.
  6. How does automation benefit my retail operations?
    • Automation reduces manual tasks and human errors, leading to increased efficiency in order processing, inventory management, and shipping. It saves time and resources, enabling your team to focus on more strategic aspects of the business.
  7. Are analytics and reporting tools important in order management software?
    • Yes, analytics and reporting are crucial for making data-driven decisions. These tools provide valuable insights into sales performance, inventory levels, and customer behavior, helping you optimize your inventory management and marketing strategies.
  8. What budget considerations should I keep in mind when choosing order management software?
    • Consider the total cost of ownership, including upfront costs, subscription fees, implementation expenses, and any additional costs for integrating with other systems. Also, assess the value provided by the software in terms of features and benefits.
  9. Is data security a concern with order management software?
    • Yes, data security is a critical consideration. Ensure that the software provider implements robust security measures to protect sensitive customer and business data. Look for compliance with industry standards and data encryption practices.
  10. How important are customer reviews and testimonials in the decision-making process?
    • Customer reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the experiences of other retailers with the software. Positive feedback and a strong track record of customer satisfaction can give you more confidence in your choice.
  11. Should I choose a cloud-based or on-premises order management solution?
    • Cloud-based solutions offer greater flexibility, accessibility, and scalability, making them suitable for most modern retail businesses. On-premises solutions may require more significant upfront investments and maintenance but offer more control over data.
  12. Can I get a custom solution to meet specific business needs?
    • Some order management software providers offer customizations or allow integrations with third-party apps to meet unique business needs. Discuss your requirements with the vendor to see if they can tailor their solution to your specific needs.
  13. What are some key indicators that the software is the right fit for my retail business?
    • A good fit is indicated by how well the software aligns with your business size, growth plans, industry requirements, and budget. Additionally, positive feedback from other retailers and successful onboarding experiences are good indicators of a suitable fit.

Final Thoughts

Selecting the right order management software is a critical decision that can significantly impact your retail business's success. The options presented in this guide, including Ordoro, Skubana, Brightpearl, TradeGecko, Stitch Labs, and ShipStation, represent the top performers in the industry, each catering to specific business needs and sizes. As you embark on your journey to enhance order fulfillment processes, streamline inventory management, and deliver exceptional customer experiences, take the time to assess your unique requirements, explore free trials or demos, and consider customer feedback. By choosing the best order management software for your retail business in 2024, you'll be better equipped to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive retail landscape. Happy retailing!

Sophia Lewis

About Sophia Lewis

Sophia Lewis is a retail and e-commerce technology advisor with a keen understanding of consumer behavior and digital trends. Sophia helps businesses navigate the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape by recommending software solutions that enhance online shopping experiences, optimize inventory management, and enable seamless omnichannel operations. With a customer-centric approach, Sophia empowers retailers to leverage technology to stay competitive, increase sales, and build strong customer relationships.
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